Thursday, May 14, 2009

So I'm not a "BLOGGER" I'm an "ATTACHER" which means I attach a picture and add description. I have lovely friends who are great bloggers. One in particular writes on her blog every Sunday and its a MUST READ for me. Well, because of her I've decided that I will attach not only pictures but quotes or excerpts of different books:) enjoy....

"While we lack recollection of our pre-mortal life, before coming to this earth all of us understood definitely the purpose of our being here. We would be expected to gain knowledge , educate ourselves ,train ourselves. We were to control our urges and desires, master and control our passions, and overcome our weaknesses, small and large, we were to eliminate sins of omission and of commission, and to follow the laws and commandments given us by our Father. That the effort involved dignifies and ennobles man has been recongnized by the worlds's great thinkers. Dante for example, out itthis way :" Consider your origin; you were not formed to live like brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge." -Kimball.

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